Why Your Business Should Consider an Outsourced IT Department

Running a business involves countless decisions. One of the biggest ones today is how to best manage your technology and IT needs. Many companies are finding that outsourcing their IT departments is an intelligent way to improve productivity, reduce expenses, and stay focused on their core goals. By choosing to outsource IT support, you're tapping into specialized skills, advanced technology, and a cost-effective support system that allows your business to thrive without the headache of managing IT internally.

For a lot of businesses, especially small to mid-sized ones, managing IT in-house can quickly become a major challenge. Hiring and maintaining an entire IT department, including staying on top of constant tech updates, can stretch your resources thin. IT problems can eat up valuable time and money, pulling your focus away from running your business. This is where outsourcing IT services steps in, offering a better way to handle IT support while making sure your systems run smoothly.

Let’s dive into why more companies are choosing to outsource IT services, what benefits it brings, and how it can help you achieve your business goals. We’ll also touch on cost savings, the expertise you gain, and some of the challenges to be aware of when outsourcing.

What is an outsourced IT department?

Having an outsourced IT department means partnering with an external company, often called a managed service provider (MSP), to take care of your business’s IT needs. These support services include things like technical support, cloud services, disaster recovery, network security, and proactive IT management. This setup lets businesses tap into these services without needing to hire an in-house team. Depending on your business’s size, industry, and unique needs, an outsourced IT provider will tailor their services to fit.

With an outsourced IT department, you don’t have to worry about hiring and managing IT staff, purchasing hardware and software, or keeping up with ongoing maintenance and training. You can choose fully outsourced IT support, where the external provider handles everything, or a co-managed option, where they work alongside your in-house team.

This approach is constructive for small to mid-sized businesses that don’t have the resources to maintain an entire IT department. Industries like professional services, healthcare, finance, and manufacturing often rely on outsourced IT support to keep their operations running smoothly and securely.

What is an outsourced IT department?

Benefits of outsourced IT support

Cost-effective IT solutions

One of the most appealing reasons to outsource IT support is the significant cost savings. Building an in-house IT department involves high expenses, including salaries, benefits, ongoing training, and the purchase of equipment. When you outsource IT services, you can access the expertise you need at a fraction of the cost. Instead of paying for full-time IT staff, you pay only for the services you require, exactly when you need them.

Outsourcing IT also eliminates the need to continuously invest in new hardware and software. Your outsourced provider handles these costs, ensuring your business has access to the latest technology without the burden of ownership.

Access to expertise and the latest technology

Outsourcing IT services gives you access to a team of IT professionals who are experts in the latest technologies and trends. These MSPs employ specialists in areas like cybersecurity, cloud computing, disaster recovery, and network management. This means your business benefits from cutting-edge solutions without needing to hire and train in-house staff.

Outsourced IT providers also bring in advanced tools and resources that might be too expensive for small businesses to purchase. This way, you’re always working with the best tech available without the significant upfront investment.

24/7 support and monitoring

One of the best parts of outsourcing IT support is the 24/7 coverage many MSPs provide. You get round-the-clock monitoring and help desk support to ensure any issues are dealt with quickly, minimizing downtime. Unlike in-house IT teams that may only work during office hours, an outsourced IT provider is there all day, every day, keeping an eye on your systems and stepping in to prevent issues before they happen.

Downtime can be frustrating and costly for businesses that rely heavily on technology. Having access to 24/7 support ensures that any IT hiccups are addressed right away, keeping your team productive and minimizing the impact on your bottom line.

Scalability and flexibility

As your business grows, your IT needs will naturally change. Outsourcing IT services gives you the flexibility to scale your support up or down depending on what’s needed at the time. Whether your business is expanding or you’re adding new services, your outsourced IT provider can easily adjust their support to match.

This scalability is essential for businesses that experience growth spurts or seasonal changes. Instead of hiring more staff or investing in more technology, you can adjust your IT support to match your needs without adding extra strain on your resources.

Proactive IT management and enhanced security

Outsourcing your IT department means you’re taking a proactive approach to managing your IT needs. Rather than waiting for problems to arise, MSPs use advanced monitoring tools to spot potential issues and fix them before they cause disruption. This proactive management helps keep your business productive and reduces the risk of IT problems slowing you down.

Security is also a huge benefit of outsourcing. With cyber threats constantly evolving, having an outsourced IT team means your business is protected by the latest tools and techniques. They’ll handle everything from network security and data encryption to compliance, keeping your sensitive information safe and sound.

Outsourced IT vs. in-house IT department: A comparison.

Outsourced IT vs. in-house IT department: A comparison

When deciding between an in-house IT team and an outsourced IT department, understanding the differences in cost, efficiency, and agility is crucial.

Cost analysis

In-house IT team:

  • Salaries: Hiring full-time IT professionals can be expensive, especially for specialized roles like cybersecurity experts or network administrators.
  • Benefits: In addition to salaries, costs include benefits like health insurance, retirement contributions, paid leave, and more.
  • Equipment and software: Maintaining up-to-date hardware, software, and necessary tools often leads to substantial capital investments.
  • Training: Ongoing training is needed to ensure the team is up-to-date on the latest technology trends, which adds further cost.

Outsourced IT department:

  • Lower operating costs: Outsourcing typically involves a predictable monthly fee, often lower than the total costs associated with an in-house team.
  • No training costs: The outsourced team handles its training and certifications.
  • Scalability without overhead: You pay for services as needed, avoiding the overhead of maintaining a large, permanent team.


In-house IT team:

  • Focus diversion: In-house teams often juggle multiple responsibilities, which can lead to inefficiencies or delays in responding to IT issues.
  • Resource allocation: Scaling or redirecting IT resources can be complex when your team is small or stretched thin, especially if you're managing multiple IT projects at once.

Outsourced IT department:

  • Time savings: With an outsourced IT department, the burden of day-to-day IT management is lifted, freeing your team to focus on core business activities.
  • Expertise on demand: Outsourced teams bring immediate solutions to issues and implement new technologies faster, improving overall operational efficiency.


In-house IT team:

  • Limited flexibility: In-house teams may struggle to adapt quickly to emerging technology trends, requiring time for training, hiring, and implementing new processes.
  • Capacity constraints: Shifting priorities can stretch an in-house team too thin, leading to delays in IT service delivery.

Outsourced IT department:

  • Adaptability: Outsourced teams can pivot quickly to accommodate new demands or technology shifts, offering businesses greater flexibility.
  • Proactive updates: Outsourcing providers stay at the forefront of IT advancements, ensuring your business remains competitive with minimal disruption to services.

In summary, outsourcing offers a more cost-effective, efficient, and agile IT solution. It allows businesses to stay focused on growth while benefiting from cutting-edge technology and expert support.

Signs you need to outsource IT support.

Signs you need to outsource IT support

As your business grows, so do your IT needs. Many in-house teams find it challenging to keep up, leading to constant tech issues, downtime, and slow response times. If these disruptions are becoming a regular headache, it’s a good sign your business could benefit from outsourcing IT support. Ongoing issues with productivity are often a clear indicator that your current IT setup isn’t optimized. An outsourced IT department can cut down on downtime and make sure everything runs smoothly, letting your team stay focused on what they do best.

Another signal it’s time to outsource is if you’re working with a limited IT budget but need access to specialized skills. Maintaining an in-house IT department is expensive, especially when you factor in ongoing training, benefits, and competitive salaries. Outsourcing IT gives you access to top-notch professionals at a lower cost, letting you scale your operations without overextending your budget.

If your business is struggling to stay on top of the latest technology or facing challenges with cybersecurity regulations, it’s another reason to outsource. Industries like healthcare, finance, and legal services often have strict compliance requirements, and an outsourced IT provider can help you meet these needs while staying secure.

How to choose the right MSP for IT support services

Choosing the right outsourced IT partner is critical to getting the most out of your IT services. Start by identifying your business’s specific needs. Do you need around-the-clock monitoring, specialized cloud services, or help with network security? Being clear about what your business requires will help you select an outsourced provider that offers the right support services.

It’s also essential to look closely at service-level agreements (SLAs) and customer support options. SLAs define what level of service you can expect from the provider, including response times and help desk support. Make sure the provider you choose has clear policies on how quickly they’ll respond to issues and how they’ll resolve them.

Finally, be sure to read customer testimonials and reviews. Real-world feedback from businesses like yours will give you valuable insights into how a provider handles challenges and supports its clients. The right outsourced IT partner won’t just solve your immediate issues—they’ll help your business grow and evolve over the long term.

Take your business to the next level with outsourced IT services

When you decide to outsource your IT services, you’re making a strategic investment in your business’s success. Outsourcing gives you access to expert support, cost-effective solutions, and the latest technology, all designed to help your business run more smoothly and securely.

As your business grows, an outsourced IT provider offers scalable services that can grow with you. Whether you need to ramp up for a busy season or implement new technology, they’ve got you covered without the added overhead of managing an in-house team.

Outsourcing also brings the benefit of advanced disaster recovery and cybersecurity measures. With constant monitoring and proactive support, your outsourced IT partner helps keep your business safe from the growing threat of cyberattacks. This way, your company remains secure, compliant, and ready for whatever comes next.

Achieve your business goals with Infotank’s outsourced IT services

Looking to enhance your IT infrastructure, reduce costs, and improve network security? Infotank’s outsourced IT support services are designed to meet the unique needs of businesses of all sizes, giving you the tools you need to succeed. Contact us today for a free consultation and see how we can help take your business to the next level.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What are the pros and cons of outsourcing IT support?

Outsourcing IT support offers several benefits, such as cost savings, access to a broader range of skills, and the ability to focus on your core business. However, the cons may include a loss of control over your IT services and the need for clear communication with your outsourced provider. Businesses often outsource their IT services to leverage external expertise while balancing in-house resources.

Why should my business consider outsourcing IT services?

If your organization struggles with frequent downtime, lacks the in-house skill set to manage IT tasks, or faces high costs with an in-house team, outsourcing could be a solution. The benefits of outsourced IT support include increased productivity, better network security, and access to a managed service provider (MSP) with a comprehensive scope of services tailored to your business's needs.

What are the cost savings associated with outsourcing IT?

Outsourcing IT services typically provides significant cost savings compared to maintaining an entire IT department in-house. Businesses save on salaries, training costs, and purchasing expensive hardware and software. Outsourcing allows your business to implement cost-effective solutions and pay for only the services you need, reducing time and money spent on maintaining internal IT resources.

How do the benefits of outsourced IT support compare to in-house IT support?

Outsourcing IT services offers various advantages over in-house IT departments, including access to a broader range of expertise, faster response times through managed IT service providers (MSPs), and reduced downtime. The outsourced provider can offer flexible support services that scale as your business grows, ensuring that your IT-related issues are addressed efficiently without the overhead costs associated with an internal team.

How does outsourcing IT improve risk management?

Outsourcing your IT services enhances risk management by leveraging external service providers who specialize in network security, disaster recovery, and data protection. These outsourced providers are experts in identifying vulnerabilities and implementing proactive measures to prevent IT-related risks, helping safeguard your organization’s critical systems and reducing downtime.

How can outsourcing IT support help my business achieve its goals?

By outsourcing IT tasks, businesses can focus on growing their core business without being bogged down by technical support or network security issues. Outsourced IT support can help you achieve your business goals by streamlining processes, improving productivity, and providing scalable solutions that align with your long-term strategy.